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Connecting Characters

Work with Working Actors   |   Small Class Sizes   |   Professional Casting Studios
Age Group
5 - 6 Yrs
$320.00 + GST
Type of Course
6 Weeks
Vancouver - In Studio

Casting is looking for kids to be nobody else but themselves! 

Though, that’s only half of the puzzle… The other half comes from training, so time to get to the fun work!

We teach technique, focus, and confidence - the stuff that gets you the job. We challenge our actors to understand human behaviour as they make discoveries about themselves. What would they do under imaginary circumstances? 


  • Improvisation: Channel your creativity, practice listening skills and learn to take direction!

  • On-Camera Acting: Learn how to work comfortably on camera, use clear eye-lines, and own your space!

  • Emotional Connection: Explore emotions through breath, body and movement in a safe and supportive manner.

Concepts are introduced through game-based exercises to keep our young actors engaged and moving. 

This class is not text-heavy; however, when working with audition scenes, we ask that parents set aside a little bit of time every day to help actors come off-book. It’s a team effort!


Dates: Apr. 27 - Jun. 8

Time: 10:30AM - 12:00PM

Instructor: Jordyn Ashley Olson

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